GRYPHON start a Hockey Equipment Recycle Program with ambassadors in Australia

Having seen the benefit that donating rounding up and donating old equipment can have after our involvement and partnerships with Timor Leste Hockey Federation and Hockey Dreams Foundation, we have decided to set up our own Recycle Program which we are really excited to continue developing. To get the latest range, our Australian ambassadors have agreed to return their gear (Sticks & Bags) from the previous year which we then donate to associations just like the Timor Leste Hockey Federation. To expand this program further, we are looking to continue connecting with local and international charities.

One year ago we rounded up as many old sticks as we could by asking our ambassadors in Australia to donate they used sticks they had lying around in their cupboard. We sent these sticks to Timor Leste (the world’s second youngest country), as one of our ambassadors, Vijay Trivedy, had gone out there to set up their hockey federation. After months of hold up at customs, the equipment finally arrived at Timor and since then the team has been able to practise with proper equipment rather than floorball sticks found in an old sports hall!

GRYPHON ambassador and Kookaburra Tim Howard states “It is amazing to be able to 

give back and participate in an initiative such as the Hockey Equipment Recycle Program. 

Last year, my house mates and I filled our car boot full of the used sticks we had. It’s 

amazing as quite often we would go through 5 or 6 sticks in a year, however they would 

still be in condition for someone else to use. Giving back to the community is something 

that is very important to me, and it feels great to participate in something that is a 

sustainable process as well.” 

Since this time, the Timor Leste’s Hockey Federation has been growing in participants and coaches. They have plans to organise an international friendly against a country like Indonesia and hope to be able to apply for the 2021 pacific sea games with a dream of applying for the Olympics in 2025. “Thank you to GRYPHON Hockey and Vijay Trivedy who donated equipment. The equipment will benefit young Timorese who would like to play hockey. Timorese youth and kids are enthusiastic to play hockey every weekend!” – NHF of Timor-Leste

The video and photos below were sent to us by Hockey Timor-Leste, to show their activities in 2019 until now.

You can read more about our initial involvement with Timor Leste here.

Our experience with Hockey Dreams Foundation two years ago until now has been equally as rewarding. Back in 2018, GRYPHON agreed to kit out the team of ten coaches from Lusaka, with brand new and colourful apparel, sticks and other hockey equipment. The coaches received large stick bags to transport training gear to their projects in the compounds of Lusaka and over 50 new junior sticks and also sponsored the Dutch Volunteer team with HDF Promotional sweaters and shirts. Later on, Tristan Algera, GRYPHON ambassador from The Netherlands raised funds to head out to Zambia himself to see first hand the impact that can be made. “Zambia was an awesome experience. It was great to see that the Foundation has such a great impact on the local community. Personally I was able to help them out with all the trainings and as a bonus I joined a few trainings with the Zambian 5’s team in their preparation to the Youth Olympics” Tristan Algera, Netherlands
We are proud to still be involved with both partnerships, and are excited about connecting with more local and international charities in the future, with the help of our Recycle Program in Australia.

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